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Nice to meet you, we are Creditcorp.

We structure and operate various types of financial transactions involving receivables. 
We use innovative technology.


We connect your company to the best in the Capital and Credit Market.


We offer

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Experienced team that analyzes the needs of each client, we are able to offer the best financial asset and structure the operation until its conclusion.  Multidisciplinary team that participates in all phases of the process until its conclusion. We were able to indicate different types of structures, and at the same time we structure, we link the product to our partner investors.


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Technology designed to operationalize all types of operations involving receivables, proprietary platforms to automatically meet all types of control and information reporting. Modular technology, which understands the needs of each operation and customer.


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Specialized team, with a defined capacity to give attention and control to all operations, ensuring the fiduciary and monitoring rules.


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We care for the rights of investors and make the bridge with new businesses. We maintain an open relationship, we believe that having availability and an exclusive service channel changes the relationship in a positive way.


Our purpose is to contribute to the growth and scalability of our customers and partners businesses, through Mercado Financeiro

Crédito para empresas

Discover our products and solutions


The Credit Rights Investment Fund is a vehicle for the securitization of receivables and an Investment Fund characterized by the acquisition of credit rights. Credit Rights are all rights that a company has to receive through checks, credit card installments, rents or trade notes. We have developed a proprietary platform that facilitates the flow for those who want to anticipate, for example, electronic invoices, where the supplier can automatically send invoices through our platform, automating the process. There are several structures, the most common being the Drawee risk, where the suppliers of a given company, anticipate an asset and the drawee will make the payment on the maturity of this asset to the FIDC.

Anticipation Platform

CreditCorp anticipates the invoices that your company has to receive, with fair and competitive rates, without the bureaucratic documental requirements that banks use to offer credit to companies.

Get to know our platform for anticipation of Drawn Risk and Assigned Risk.

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Our way of working

We want to direct our customers to have the best deal.

We meet the specific needs of each client and structure operations appropriate to the flow of the project/company. We created funding alternatives compared to the most traditional lines of credit in the market.

Technology to serve and monitor
Self-service, we want to give you autonomy and security! We focus on Self Service in real time.

Daily management
We value the control and monitoring of each operation, helping and accompanying customers in the conduct of their business.

We structure debts for companies of the most diverse sizes, segments and regions. We always value operations that make sense for the borrower, through healthy financial leverage, and for the investor, issuing a profitable financial asset that is suited to their risk profile.


We simplify what can be simplified, either with our expertise or with technological tools.

Close contact

we have no barriers to fast and effective communication, we use technology and the availability of employees to provide a different service.


Helping the Market Evolve
Participate in changes and generate education for the market, either by training or by proposing structures that help the world.

Motivated people
We cherish a motivated team that has a growing career, we want to evolve and empower the market.


Let's talk?

We want to understand your goals, just send some information and our team will contact you.

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Phone 11 3034-3417

Logo CreditCorp negativa

CreditCorp Serviços Corporativos SA is a corporation registered under CNPJ/MF 28.132.420/0001-40.

Talk to CreditCorp, call (11) 3034-3417 orsend an email to

Rua Fidêncio Ramos, 100, 14th floor - Vila Olímpia - São Paulo - SP. ZIP CODE:04551-010

® CreditCorp - All Rights Reserved

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